On March 5, 2024, starting at 16:00 UTC (8 am PT), customers may have started experiencing a delay in message remediation for Inbound Email Protection, Graymail remediation, and Abuse Mailbox processing. Search & Respond may also be impacted as well.
- Affected Services: Inbound Email Protection, Graymail, Abuse Mailbox, and Search & Respond. - Severity Level: Major - Incident Start Time: March 5, 2024, starting at 16:00 UTC (8 am PT) - What We're Doing: Live processing is recovered for all customers from 17:00 UTC. - Recovery - 17:00 UTC: Live processing is recovered for all customers going forward from this time. - 18:30 UTC: Messages affected during the incident timeline (16:00-17:00 UTC) have been processed. - 20:50 UTC: Processing has recovered for POV customers.
- What Happened: Google Workspace experienced an incident outage for Gmail starting at 15:25 UTC. Our processing clusters currently process M365+GWorkspace traffic together; as a result, the latency on Google Workspace is causing M365 processing to also be affected.
On March 5, 2024, starting at 16:00 UTC (8 am PT), customers may have started experiencing a delay in message remediation for Inbound Email Protection, Graymail remediation, and Abuse Mailbox processing. Search & Respond may also be impacted as well.
- Affected Services: Inbound Email Protection, Graymail, Abuse Mailbox, and Search & Respond. - Severity Level: Major - Incident Start Time: March 5, 2024, starting at 16:00 UTC (8 am PT) - What We're Doing: Live processing is recovered for all customers from 17:00 UTC. - Recovery - 17:00 UTC: Live processing is recovered for all customers going forward from this time. - 18:30 UTC: Messages affected during the incident timeline (16:00-17:00 UTC) have been processed. - (In progress) Processing is being recovered for POV customers with an ETA of recovery of 20:00 UTC. - What Happened: Google Workspace experienced an incident outage for Gmail starting at 15:25 UTC. Our processing clusters currently process M365+GWorkspace traffic together; as a result, the latency on Google Workspace is causing M365 processing to also be affected.
Posted Mar 05, 2024 - 09:54 PST
On March 5, 2024, starting at 16:00 UTC (8 am PT), customers may have started experiencing a delay in message remediation for Inbound Email Protection, Graymail remediation, and Abuse Mailbox processing. Search & Respond may also be impacted as well.
- Affected Services: Inbound Email Protection, Graymail, Abuse Mailbox, and Search & Respond. - Severity Level: Major - Incident Start Time: March 5, 2024, starting at 16:00 UTC (8 am PT) - What We're Doing: Live processing is recovered for all customers from 17:00 UTC. - Recovery: Messages affected during the incident timeline (16:00-17:00 UTC) are currently being processed as part of recovery steps, with an ETA for recovery at 19:00 UTC, and no customer action is required. - Estimated Resolution Time: March 5, 2024, 19:00 UTC - Next Update: 2 hours
Posted Mar 05, 2024 - 09:14 PST
On March 5, 2024, starting at 16:00 UTC (8 am PT), customers may have started experiencing a delay in message remediation for Inbound Email Protection, Graymail remediation, and Abuse Mailbox processing. Search & Respond may also be impacted as well.
- Affected Services: Inbound Email Protection, Graymail, Abuse Mailbox, and Search & Respond. - Severity Level: Major - Incident Start Time: March 5, 2024, starting at 16:00 UTC (8 am PT) - What We're Doing: We are currently investigating the issue, to determine the Root Cause and identify a fix. - Estimated Resolution Time: TBD - Next Update: 1 Hour